Balance Minder

Welcoming Jing 1 Quiet-time

Season 5 Episode 1

Let's have some quiet-time by Welcoming Jing.  In this episode our story teller Leanne Simpson will read from the Time Out Tai Chi - Welcoming Jing book and finish with some relaxing mindful breathing and body scanning.  

You may choose to follow along with your own copy of our book.

 Here is a brief synopsis of this section of the story:

  • Jing the panda arrives at the zoo: Jing is a new and mysterious animal who practices Tai Chi in his pen.
  • Rose and Vinny are curious: The possum and the platypus are friends who want to learn more about Jing and his posture of infinity.
  • They try to imitate Jing: They copy Jing’s stance and feel the benefits of good posture and relaxation.

Author: Leanne Simpson
Illustrated by Bonnie Hazel Simpson.


Please visit our website for more information and to get a copy of the Time Out Tai Chi Welcoming Jing illustrated children's book.